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How many steps a day should you take to lower the risk of heart disease?

We now know that moderate physical activity such as walking has many health benefits. But do we need to take the famous 10,000 steps a day to keep fit and avoid health problems? A study carried out(1) by Dr Amanda Paluch, from the University of Massachusetts, USA, seems to set the target at 7,000 steps.
The study, called ” CARDIA “, was carried out on a total of 2110 participants with an average age of 45.
The findings of this cohort, which began in 2005 and ended in 2021, revealed that among men and women, participants who took around 7,000 steps a day or more had lower mortality rates than those who took fewer than 7,000 steps a day. There was no association between step intensity (walking faster at a higher frequency) and mortality.
Increasing the number of steps a day improves your health and trims your waistline
Below you can use our calculator to see the impact of increasing your number of steps per day on weight loss after a week, a month or a year.
Brisk walking for heart health: Why walking at a moderate pace is good for your heart
What are the benefits of walking for cardiovascular disease prevention and health in general?
Physical activity has many benefits for the body. Here are just a few of them:
- Protects against cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and angina pectoris
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Reduces the risk of diabetes
- Reduces the risk of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression
- Reduces stress
- Improves sleep quality
- Strengthens the immune system
- Promotes muscle and bone health
The different activity levels from sedentary to active
The statuses below enable you to judge your level of activity in 3 main groups: sedentary, active and sporty.
Activity level based on steps per day
Number of steps per day | Activity status |
– 5000 steps per day | Inactive Sedentary |
5000 and 7499 steps per day | Slightly active Active |
7500 and 9999 steps per day | Moderately active Active |
10,000 and 12,499 steps per day | Active Active |
Around 12,500 steps per day | Very active Sporty |
How to incorporate more walking into your daily routine
As well as the number of steps you take, the regularity with which you walk is also crucial. It’s better to walk a little every day than to take a lot of steps once or twice a week. To make walking part of your daily routine, you can :
- Use the stairs instead of the lift or escalator.
- Walk to the supermarket or other nearby places instead of taking the car.
- Park a little further away from your destination to increase your number of steps.
- Walk during your breaks at work or school.
- Plan walks in nature or in parks in your free time.
Finally, achieving a certain number of steps per day is a good indicator of physical activity, but it’s not the only factor to consider for good heart health and fitness.
Other elements such as a balanced diet, quality sleep, stress management and avoiding smoking also play a crucial role. Ultimately, the aim is to make physical activity, such as walking, an integral part of your daily life.
Remember, every step counts, so start today and keep moving for a healthier heart and greater fitness.
Source of the study (1): Steps per Day and All-Cause Mortality in Middle-aged Adults in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study