How much are 10,000 steps in km?

Author : Xavier

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Steps to Km converter: Explore the conversion table with the number of steps and kilometres covered

How much are 10,000 steps in km?

Would you like to know how many km is 10,000 steps? The table below gives you the corresponding number of steps for every kilometre covered, so you can have an accurate idea of your level of activity and achieve your goal more easily.

Steps to Km converter based on height

Number of steps (ordinary 5km/h walk)Person 1.60m tallPerson 1.70m tallPerson 1.80m tall
In 1000 steps688 m731 m774 m
In 5000 steps3.44 km3.65 km3.87 km
In 10,000 steps6.88 km7.31 km7.74 km
In 15,000 steps10.32 km10.96 km11.61 km
In 20,000 steps13.76 km14.62 km15.48 km
In 30,000 steps20.64 km21.93 km23.22 km

Find out how your health and weight can benefit from walking more

If you decide to take 1000 extra steps a day, the calculator below will give you the real impact on your weight.

on 1000 steps
Calculator: Impact of increasing daily steps on weight loss.
"Estimated monthly weight loss!" Select your goal. For example: I increase from 8000 to 10,000 steps = I increase by 2000 steps.
Metric Units
Imperial Units
You are:

Enter all required values.


Impact on your daily calorie expenditure

Estimated monthly weight loss:
1 per week
per month
2 per week
per month
3 per week
per month
4 per week
per month

Want to lose weight? Continue the analysis!

Enter all required values.

Your Body Mass Index
IMC = 00
Status= 00
Your weight indicators
Current weight =00
Ideal weight (Lorentz formula) =00
Personal goal = 00
Average weight to reach
Average weight to lose
What goal and how to achieve it?

Km to steps converter: Every step counts to become less sedentary

How many kilometres should we walk to become more active and avoid being sedentary?

How many kilometres should we walk a day to become more active and less sedentary?

Whether you’re a lumberjack or an office worker, you won’t need to exert the same amount of effort to complete your 10,000 steps a day. Some will find it easy to do so during their working day, while others will have to compensate for long sitting sessions at the office. A 2021 American study considers that 7,000 steps is an important milestone for having a positive impact on health(see how many steps do you need to take to be in good health?)

Activity level based on number of steps per day and kilometres covered.

Number of stepsProfile
When you take less than 5000 steps a dayinactive (less than 3.65 km)
When you take between 5,000 and 7,499 steps a dayslightly active (3.65 to 5.48 km)
When you take 7500 to 9999 steps a daymoderately active (5.48 to 7.09 km)
When you take 10,000 steps or more a dayactive (7.1 km and more)
When you take around 12,500 steps a dayvery active (around 9.14 km)

It’s not all about counting steps!

It’s important to note that the number of steps is only one aspect of physical activity. Other factors such as the intensity, duration and frequency of physical activity are also important. In addition, muscle-strengthening exercises and stretching can also contribute to overall good health. So don’t just look at the number of steps you take. The most important thing is to adopt a regular physical activity that suits you and that you enjoy.

Building healthier habits, one step at the time

It’s sometimes discouraging to think that we have to reach a certain number of steps every day. But don’t forget that every step counts! Even a small change can have a significant impact on your long-term health. If you’re sedentary, try adding a few hundred steps to your daily routine. You might be surprised at how much these small changes can add up over time.

In conclusion, the aim is not just to achieve a certain number of steps, but to make physical activity an integral part of your daily life. Whether you decide to walk, run, dance or do yoga, the most important thing is to move regularly and enjoy the activity you choose. By making exercise a habit, you’ll not only improve your physical health, but also your mental well-being. So lace up your shoes and take the first step towards a healthier, more active lifestyle!

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