Energy expenditure and number of calories burned brisk walking or power walking

Author : Xavier

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How many calories do we burn brisk walking or power walking?

Energy expenditure and calories burned brisk walking or power walking

Everything you need to know about power walking

Do you know how many calories you can burn when brisk walking or power walking for 30 minutes or 1 hour? By entering your overall activity time and your weight in kilos, you can get an idea of how many calories you burn brisk walking or power walking.

on Power walking
Calorie Expenditure Calculator by Sport
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Brisk walking or power walking: A few examples of energy expenditure depending on weight and activity time.

Use the table below to see how many calories you lose by brisk walking!


Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg4795189
50 kg59118236
60 kg71142284
70 kg83165331
80 kg95189378
90 kg106213425


Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg68137273
50 kg85171341
60 kg102205410
70 kg119239478
80 kg137273546
90 kg154307614

See detailed calculations and metabolic equivalent for brisk walking

Everything you need to know about power walking


Brisk or sport walking is a physical activity that is accessible to everyone and offers numerous health benefits. It involves walking at a brisk pace, with steps that are faster than normal. It can be done outdoors or on a treadmill, depending on your preferences and abilities.

Some benefits of brisk walking or power walking:

  • Improved cardiovascular fitness: Brisk walking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that stimulates the cardiovascular system and strengthens the heart. It promotes better blood circulation, reduces the risk of heart disease and improves endurance.
  • Burn calories: Brisk walking is an effective activity for burning calories and promoting weight loss. By increasing the intensity of your walking, you stimulate your metabolism, resulting in greater energy expenditure.
  • Muscle strengthening: Brisk walking involves a number of muscle groups, in particular the legs, buttocks, abdominal muscles and arms. By walking with correct posture and swinging your arms, you strengthen and tone your whole body.
  • Improved bone health: Brisk walking is a moderate-impact exercise that stimulates bone formation and promotes bone density. This can help prevent osteoporosis and maintain strong, healthy bones.
  • Mental stimulation and stress reduction : Brisk outdoor walking can be beneficial for mental health. It offers an opportunity to relax, connect with nature and reduce stress. Regular walking can also improve mood, promote mental clarity and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Brisk or sporty walking is a versatile and accessible activity that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. Whether you want to keep fit, lose weight, improve your cardiovascular health or simply relax, brisk walking is an excellent option. Just remember to wear good walking shoes, stretch before and after each session, and adjust the intensity to your fitness level.

You can also check the number of calories burned for :

How to calculate the number of calories burned brisk walking or power walking

The result displayed is expressed in Kcal and is calculated using the MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). The MET for each activity is the result of statistical data and cannot therefore be interpreted as an exact calculation, but rather as an estimate that takes into account the MET value and the ratio between the time spent doing an activity and the individual’s weight.

For example: The MET value for brisk walking is 4.5. This means that a person doing brisk walking consumes 4.5 times more energy than when resting. This varies, of course, with the level of intensity, as we’ll see below.

MET values for different levels of walking intensity

  • Calm walking MET = 3
  • Brisk walking MET = 4.5
  • Nordic Walking MET = 5
  • Olympic walking MET = 6.5

Discover the detailed formula to calculate your daily energy expenditure while brisk walking or power walking

Consumption in Kcal per minute = (METs*3.5*Weight in kilos)/200

This gives for a 60 kg person doing brisk walking for 30 minutes:
Consumption in Kcal per minute = (4.5*3.5*60)/200 = 4.725 Kcal/min
So for 30 minutes = 4.725*30 = 142 kcal for 30 minutes

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