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How do you calculate your optimal weight using the Monnerot-Dumaine formula? The Monnerot-Dumaine formula, based on measuring the circumference of the wrist, is one of the most advanced formulas for calculating your ideal weight. In fact, this formula not only takes into account each individual’s bone structure but also, to some extent, their muscle mass.
You can also find the other ideal weight formulas: Creff formula (morphology and age) and Lorentz formula (sex and height).
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How do you calculate your optimal body weight using the Monnerot-Dumaine formula?
To get even closer to your ideal weight, this formula takes into account a body measurement other than your height: your body shape. In this way, it adapts to each individual’s morphology. This formula lets you know the weight you should be aiming for to stay in good health.
The ideal weight, according to the Monnerot-Dumaine formula, is calculated on the basis of two parameters:
- Height in centimetres
- Wrist circumference
Discover the formula:
Ideal weight (in kg) = (Height in cm – 100 4 x Wrist circumference in cm) / 2
The pros and cons of the Monnerot-Dumaine formula:
Advantages: it includes bone structure in the calculation of ideal weight and to a certain extent muscle mass.
Disadvantages: it is an approximate calculation formula that is not scientifically recognised by health professionals.
The concept of the “ideal healthy weight” is extremely subjective
It’s important to understand that there is no single, universal definition of normal weight. Normal weight can vary depending on many factors, such as age, height, gender and body composition. In general, normal weight is defined as a weight that is neither too high nor too low for a given person, depending on their individual characteristics. Generally speaking, the most important thing is to have a healthy weight at which we feel comfortable moving around in everyday life.
In conclusion, calculating ideal weight using wrist circumference is not considered a reliable method of assessing ideal weight, as it does not take into account the many other factors that can influence weight. It is preferable to use other methods, such as BMI, BMI or body composition assessment, to estimate ideal weight.
All the formulas for calculating your ideal weight
The Lorentz formula, created by Dr Friedrich Lorentz (a member of the Department of Sports Hygiene at the Hamburg Institute) in 1929, is based on the Broca Index and it contains additional parameters, such as the person’s height and sex.
Advantage: It is the most common formula used these days to estimate your ideal weight.
Disadvantage: It’s an approximate formula as it does not take into account age or morphology.
Ideal weight for men(in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 – ((height in cm – 150) /4))
Ideal weight for women(in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 – ((height in cm – 150) /2.5))
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is based on a weight-to-height ratio and it is used to determine and assess the risks associated with being underweight or obese.
In order to provide an even more accurate estimate of your ideal weight, this formula takes into account another parameter in addition to your height: your bone structure.
Advantage: It includes bone structure its calculation, and muscle mass to a certain extent.
Disadvantage: The calculation formula is approximate.
Ideal weight (in kg) = (Height in cm – 100 4 x Wrist circumference in cm) / 2
This is the oldest formula to calculate your ideal body weight: It was invented by Dr Paul Broca, a French surgeon, in 1871.
Advantage: It’s a simple formula that is easy to calculate.
Disadvantage: It’s an approximate calculation: It overestimates weight, not only for women, but also for anyone who is taller than 1.65 m.
Ideal weight (in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100
Dating back to 1891, Bornhardt’s formula was originally devised to determine the build of people enrolled in the army and thus determine their physical aptitude for military service. Although less popular than Broca’s Index, it is nonetheless more reliable and accurate, since it takes into account the individual’s specific build.
Advantage: It includes the chest circumference and, to a certain extent, muscle mass.
Disadvantage : It’s an approximate calculation.
Ideal weight (in kg) = ((Height (in cm) x Chest circumference (in cm)) / 240
The formula was created by Professor AF Creff in the 1970s, and it offers a precise calculation of your ideal weight, provided that you have an accurate estimate of your body shape and type.
Advantage: It incorporates body morphology into its calculation, in addition to height and age.
Disadvantage: This formula is based on the distinction between “normal”, “broad” and “slender” people. These notions are relatively vague and subjective and thus the calculation remains fairly approximate.
For an individual with a “normal” build:
Ideal weight (in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 (Age (in years) /10) x 0.9
For an individual with a “large” build:
Ideal weight (in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 (Age (in years) /10) x 0.9 x 1.1
For an individual with a “slender” build:
Ideal weight (in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 (Age (in years) /10) x 0.9 x 0.9
This formula was devised by Dr B.J. Devine in 1974. It was originally designed for medicinal dosage purposes. Widely used in English-speaking countries, this formula was employed by major medical and pharmaceutical houses between 1974 and 2000.
Advantage: It allows a given height, measured in inches, to be converted into an ideal weight, in kilograms.
Disadvantage: The formula does not take age into account, thus it remains approximate.
Ideal weight for men (in kg) = 50 (kg) 2.3 x [Height (in inches) – 60]
Ideal female weight (in kg) = 45.5 (kg) 2.3 x [Height (in inches) – 60]
* one inch represents 25 centimetres
The Perrault Formula is also a variation of Broca’s formula.
Advantage: This formula uses age in its calculation.
Disadvantage: It does not take sex into account. Approximate calculation formula.
Ideal weight (in kg) = Height (in cm) – 100 + (age (in years)/10) x 0.9