Energy expenditure and number of calories burned kayaking

Author : Xavier

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How many calories do we burn kayaking?

Energy expenditure and calories burned kayaking

Everything you need to know about kayaking

Do you know how many calories you can burn when kayaking for 30 minutes or 1 hour? By entering your overall activity time and your weight in kilos, you can get an idea of how many calories you burn kayaking.

on Kayaking, calm waters
Calorie Expenditure Calculator by Sport
By selecting a sport activity of your choice, this RegiVia energy expenditure calculator will allow you to know, for each sport and according to your weight, the number of calories you will burn over a given time.
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Kayaking: A few examples of energy expenditure depending on weight and activity time.

Use the table below to see how many calories you lose by kayaking!

intense whitewater kayaking

Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg89179357
50 kg112223446
60 kg134268536
70 kg156312625
80 kg179357714
90 kg201402803

calm water recreational

Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg53105210
50 kg66131263
60 kg79158315
70 kg92184368
80 kg105210420
90 kg118236473

See detailed calculations and metabolic equivalent for kayaking

Everything you need to know about kayaking


Kayaking is a water sport that can be practised as a leisure activity or in competition. It can be practised at sea or on a river, and the equipment used will differ depending on whether it is practised at sea or on a whitewater river.

The first kayaks were made by the Inuit to meet a practical need for travel for fishing and hunting.

Today, kayaking is a widely recognised and appreciated sport. Kayaks can be used for disciplines such as slalom and downhill.

Whether on rivers, lakes or the sea, kayaking offers a tranquil boating experience and a chance to explore magnificent aquatic landscapes.

Some benefits of kayaking:

  • Muscle strengthening: Paddling involves many of the body’s muscles, particularly the upper body muscles such as the shoulders, arms, back and abdominal muscles. This helps to strengthen and tone the upper body effectively.
  • Improved endurance: Kayaking is an aerobic activity that improves cardiorespiratory endurance. Regular paddling increases heart rate, promotes blood circulation and improves lung capacity.
  • Working on balance and coordination: Kayaking requires good balance and coordination between moving your arms and keeping the boat stable. Regular kayaking can improve these skills and contribute to better body coordination.
  • Stimulation of concentration: Paddling in the great outdoors requires concentration and attention in order to navigate and adapt to different water conditions. This can promote mental concentration and help disconnect from everyday stress.
  • Relaxation and well-being: Kayaking offers a calm and soothing boating experience, allowing you to connect with nature and enjoy a moment of relaxation. Being surrounded by waterscapes and the beauty of nature can have a calming effect on the body and mind.
  • Interaction with the environment: Kayaking allows you to explore places that are difficult to access by other means. You can discover secluded coves, observe aquatic wildlife and enjoy the beauty of marine ecosystems and rivers.

In conclusion, kayaking is a complete water sports activity that offers benefits for both body and mind. Whether you’re looking to work out, relax in the great outdoors or explore new horizons, kayaking is an excellent way to connect with the water and enjoy its many benefits.

How to calculate the number of calories burned kayaking

The result displayed is expressed in Kcal and is calculated using the MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). The MET for each activity is the result of statistical data and cannot therefore be interpreted as an exact calculation, but rather as an estimate that takes into account the MET value and the ratio between the time spent doing an activity and the weight of the individual.

For example: The MET value for kayaking in calm water is 5 and 8 in white water. This means that a person kayaking in white water consumes 8 times more energy than when resting.

MET values for different levels of kayaking intensity

  • calm water kayaking: MET = 5
  • whitewater kayaking: MET = 8

Discover the detailed formula to calculate your daily energy expenditure while kayaking

Consumption in Kcal per minute = (MET*3.5*Weight in kilos)/200

This gives for a 70 kg person kayaking in a torrent for 30 minutes:
Consumption in Kcal per minute = (8*3.5*70)/200 = 9.8 Kcal/mn
So for 30 minutes = 9.8*30 = 294 kcal for 30 minutes

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