How long does it take to walk 10,000 steps? How many hours and minutes?

Author : Xavier

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Steps to minutes/hours chart calculator

How long does it take to walk 10,000 steps? How many hours and minutes?

You want to know ” How long does it take to walk 10,000 steps? ” The table below gives you, for each number of steps, the time spent and the duration of walking to achieve your goal.

Steps to minutes converter

Number of steps per dayActivity time in hours or minutes
1000 steps per day9 minutes
5000 steps per day45 minutes
10,000 steps per day90 minutes or 1h30mn
15,000 steps per day135 minutes or 2h15mn
20,000 steps per day180 minutes or 3 hours
30 000 steps per day270 minutes or 4h30mn

Calculate how the rise in your step count positively impacts your weight-loss progress!

If you decide to take 1,000 extra steps every day, the calculator below will give you the impact this will have on your weight.

on 1000 steps
Calculator: Impact of increasing daily steps on weight loss.
"Estimated monthly weight loss!" Select your goal. For example: I increase from 8000 to 10,000 steps = I increase by 2000 steps.
Metric Units
Imperial Units
You are:

Enter all required values.


Impact on your daily calorie expenditure

Estimated monthly weight loss:
1 per week
per month
2 per week
per month
3 per week
per month
4 per week
per month

Want to lose weight? Continue the analysis!

Enter all required values.

Your Body Mass Index
IMC = 00
Status= 00
Your weight indicators
Current weight =00
Ideal weight (Lorentz formula) =00
Personal goal = 00
Average weight to reach
Average weight to lose
What goal and how to achieve it?

WHO guidelines on physical activity: How many hours of physical activity do we need a week?

WHO guidelines on physical activity

Activity time recommended by the WHO

Activity time for adults aged 18 to 64 :

  • at least 150 to 300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity endurance activity
  • or at least 75 to 150 minutes of sustained-intensity endurance activity
  • or an equivalent combination of moderate and sustained intensity activities throughout the week
  • should perform muscle-strengthening activities of moderate or higher intensity 2 or more times a week
  • can do more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity endurance activity
  • or more than 150 minutes of sustained-intensity endurance activity
  • or an equivalent combination of moderate and sustained intensity activities throughout the week
  • should limit their sedentary time and replace it with physical activity of any intensity (including light)

The detailed chart calculator with the steps to minutes/hours converter

Number of steps = amount of time spent outside

Number of steps per dayActivity time in hours or minutes
1000 steps per day9 minutes
2000 steps per day18 minutes
3000 steps per day27 minutes
4000 steps per day36 minutes
5000 steps per day45 minutes
6000 steps per day54 minutes
7000 steps per day63 minutes or 1h03mn
8000 steps per day72 minutes or 1h12mn
9000 steps per day81 minutes or 1h21mn
10,000 steps per day90 minutes or 1h30mn
15,000 steps per day135 minutes or 2h15mn
20,000 steps per day180 minutes or 3 hours
25,000 steps per day225 minutes or 3h45mn
30 000 steps per day270 minutes or 4h30mn
40,000 steps per day360 minutes or 6 hours

Other benefits of walking

As well as weight loss, walking has many other health benefits. It helps improve cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, improves mood, increases longevity and contributes to mental health. Walking is also excellent for bone health, as it is a weight-bearing exercise that can help prevent osteoporosis. What’s more, walking is a low-impact activity, which means it’s easier on your joints than other forms of exercise, such as running.

Ways to increase your daily step count

There are many ways to increase your number of daily steps. You can start by making small changes, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift, or parking further away from your destination to walk more.

You could also consider taking a walk during your lunch break or incorporating walks into your leisure activities. Using a pedometer or fitness watch can also help you keep track of your progress and stay motivated.

In conclusion, reaching the 10,000 steps a day threshold may seem impressive, but it’s an achievable goal with a little planning and determination. It’s important to remember that every step counts, and even small increases in physical activity can have beneficial effects on your health. So lace up your shoes and set out to conquer your goal of 10,000 steps a day. Not only will you feel better physically, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of having achieved your daily goal.

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