How many steps should we take a day to keep active and avoid being sedentary?

Author : Xavier

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How many steps should we take a day to avoid being sedentary?

How many steps should we take a day to become more active and avoid being sedentary?

Our activity levels will vary depending on our job: whether we’re office workers or lumberjacks. This accounts for a different daily calorie expenditure, in fact, being sedentary has a direct negative impact on our cardiovascular and mental health, as well as on our physical shape.

Discover your activity level based on your number of steps per day

Number of stepsStatus
– 5000 steps per dayinactive
5000 and 7499 steps per dayslightly active
7500 and 9999 steps per daymoderately active
10 000 steps or more per dayactive
around 12,500 steps per dayvery active

Walking helps you lose weight and prevents obesity

Below, using the calculator, you can see the impact of increasing your daily steps on your weight over time.

on 1000 steps
Calculator: Impact of increasing daily steps on weight loss.
"Estimated monthly weight loss!" Select your goal. For example: I increase from 8000 to 10,000 steps = I increase by 2000 steps.
Metric Units
Imperial Units
You are:

Enter all required values.


Impact on your daily calorie expenditure

Estimated monthly weight loss:
1 per week
per month
2 per week
per month
3 per week
per month
4 per week
per month

Want to lose weight? Continue the analysis!

Enter all required values.

Your Body Mass Index
IMC = 00
Status= 00
Your weight indicators
Current weight =00
Ideal weight (Lorentz formula) =00
Personal goal = 00
Average weight to reach
Average weight to lose
What goal and how to achieve it?

Walking for good health: How walking more can combat the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle?

What are the health benefits of walking more?

The health benefits of walking: Why we should aim to walk more

Walking more and aiming for 10,000 steps has many proven benefits for both physical and mental health. Here is a non-exhaustive list to help motivate you to get moving.

Increasing your number of steps a day will:

  • increase your basal metabolic rate, maintain a healthy weight and therefore reduce the risk of obesity
  • reduce cardiovascular risk
  • reduce the risk of many cancers, particularly breast, colon and prostate cancer
  • reduce type 2 diabetes and regulate blood sugar levels
  • maintain good muscle mass
  • improve bone health
  • stabilise blood pressure
  • improve sleep at night and alertness during the day
  • combat mental illness (stress, depression and anxiety)
  • combat back pain
  • improve cognition

How much should you walk if you’re looking to become more active?

When you’re sedentary, i.e. you walk less than 5,000 steps a day, it’s worth setting yourself the target of 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, or getting close to it. To take 10,000 steps, you need to walk for 1? hours a day. This can be done gradually by incorporating walking into your day, as we recommend below.

How to incorporate more walking into your day

It’s important to find ways of incorporating more steps into your day, even if you have a busy schedule. Here are some ideas for increasing your step count:

  • Walk to meetings: If you have a phone meeting or conference, consider walking to it. It’s a great way to build more movement into your working day.
  • Take a walking break: Instead of sitting around during your breaks, use the time to go for a short walk. Even a 10-minute walk can help you reach your daily step target.
  • Walk during household chores: Whether you’re doing the shopping, cleaning the house or mowing the lawn, try to walk as much as possible during these tasks.
  • Walk with someone: Walking is more fun when you have company. Organise regular walks with a friend or family member to make the activity more enjoyable.

In conclusion, the goal of 10,000 steps a day is an excellent way of combating a sedentary lifestyle and improving your general health. However, it’s important to remember that every step counts, and that even a small increase in your daily physical activity can have beneficial effects on your health. So don’t hesitate to get up and get moving, no matter how many steps you take. Every step you take will bring you closer to your goal of health and well-being.

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