Energy expenditure and number of calories burned dancing

Author : Xavier

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How many calories do we burn dancing?

Energy expenditure and calories burned dancing

All you need to know about dancing

Do you know how many calories you can burn when dancing for 30 minutes or 1 hour? By entering your overall activity time and your weight in kilos, you can get an idea of how many calories you burn dancing.

on Dancing, moderate
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Dancing: A few examples of energy expenditure depending on weight and activity time.

The table below shows you how many calories you can burn dancing, according to your weight profile.

Low intensity

Kilocalorie expenditure

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg3263126
50 kg3979158
60 kg4795189
70 kg55110221
80 kg63126252
90 kg71142284

Moderate intensity

Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg4284168
50 kg53105210
60 kg63126252
70 kg74147294
80 kg84168336
90 kg95189378

High intensity

Expenditure in Kilocalories

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg53105210
50 kg66131263
60 kg79158315
70 kg92184368
80 kg105210420
90 kg118236473

See detailed calculations and metabolic equivalent for dance

All you need to know about dancing


Dance in all its styles, whether contemporary or classically trained, is an excellent physical activity that not only works the body as a whole, but also enhances movement coordination and balance. It can be practised as a couple or solo , and the list is so long as the number of existing dances is so numerous. There are as many dances as there are countries, and within each country as many dances as there are regions, if we include folk dances.

It offers a multitude of styles and forms, from classical ballet to contemporary dance, hip-hop, salsa, tango and many others. In addition to its creative and artistic aspects, dance offers numerous physical and mental health benefits.

Some benefits of dancing:

  • Improved physical fitness: Dance is a complete physical activity that involves different muscle groups and improves strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination. It also helps improve posture, balance and stability.
  • Cardiovascular: Rhythmic, sustained dancing can be an excellent cardiovascular exercise, stimulating the heart and promoting cardiorespiratory health. This helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Brain stimulation: Dance stimulates memory, concentration, coordination and synchronization, which in turn stimulates brain connections and can help improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that regular dancing can help prevent age-related cognitive decline.
  • Emotional expression and mental well-being: Dance allows you to express yourself through movement, to externalize your emotions and to foster a better connection with yourself. It offers a form of escape and entertainment, and can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Socialization and social interaction: Dance is often practiced in groups or couples, offering opportunities for socialization and social interaction. This encourages bonding, boosts self-confidence, develops social skills and contributes to improved self-esteem.
  • Improved posture and coordination: Dance requires body awareness and mastery of movement, which promotes better posture, precise coordination and proprioception.
  • Fun and entertainment: Dance is a fun and entertaining activity that brings pleasure and satisfaction. It frees you up, relaxes you and makes you feel good about your body.

In conclusion, dance is much more than just a physical activity; it’s a true artistic expression that offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, dance is accessible to all and can be practiced at any age. So let yourself be carried away by the music, express yourself through movement and enjoy the benefits of dance for your overall well-being.

How to calculate the number of calories burned dancing

The result displayed is expressed in Kcal and is calculated from the MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task). The MET for each activity is the result of statistical data and cannot therefore be interpreted as an exact calculation, but rather as an estimate taking into account the MET value and the ratio between the time spent performing an activity and the weight of the individual.

For example: the MET value for moderate dancing is 4. This means that a person who dances consumes 4 times more energy than when at rest.

Discover the detailed formula to calculate your daily energy expenditure while dancing

Consumption in Kcal per minute = (METs*3.5*Weight in kilos)/200

For a 60-kilo person dancing for 50 minutes:
Consumption in Kcal per minute = (4*3.5*60)/200 = 4.2 Kcal/mn
So for 50 minutes = 4.2*50 = 210 kcal for 50 minutes

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