Caloric expenditure during household chores: How many calories do you burn doing housework?

Author : Xavier

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What is the number of calories burned doing household chores?

Calories burned doing housework

Have you ever felt too hot when cleaning the house? I guess you have, right? As well as having a spotless interior for welcoming your friends at any time of the day or night, cleaning will help you consume energy and burn calories.

About 4 times more than when you’re at rest! And, just to combine some business with pleasure, when you’re doing the housework, you can also listen to music and do some choreographies in front of the mirror to burn even more calories!

Here’s a little calculator to give you a clearer idea of the calorie expenditure while doing housework.

on Cleaning
Calorie Expenditure Calculator by Activity
By selecting an activity, this will allow you to know the number of calories you will spend over a given time.
Metric Units
Imperial Units
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Result of Your Expenditure


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Example of calories burned sweeping the floor

Use the table below to see how many calories you can burn when sweeping the floor.

Doing the housework

Kilocalorie expenditure according to your weight profile

Weight15 minutes30 minutes1 hour
40 kg4284168
50 kg53105210
60 kg63126252
70 kg74147294
80 kg84168336
90 kg95189378

Does housework count as a sport?

Cleaning is not only an essential part of keeping your home clean and welcoming, it’s also a great way to burn calories. In fact, some household activities can be compared to a moderate physical workout, making your cleaning routine an effective way to increase your daily calorie expenditure.

Did you know? Cleaning can help you burn around four times more calories than when you’re at rest. Think about it the next time you’re about to vacuum, clean the windows or scrub the bathroom – every action counts!

To make the activity more enjoyable and even more effective, why not combine housework with music? Not only will this make the task more entertaining, but it can also encourage you to move more, thus increasing the amount of calories burned. Imagine dancing with your broom as your partner, or making rhythmic movements while you dust. It’s a simple and fun way to turn a chore into a workout in disguise.

To give you a better idea of the calories you can burn while cleaning, here’s a little calorie expenditure calculator. This calculator will enable you to calculate the number of calories burned according to the household activity performed and the duration of the activity. Remember, every effort counts in your quest for a healthier, more active lifestyle. So put on some music, put on your cleaning gloves, and get ready to burn calories while making your home sparkle!

Housework: a surprising mental health ally

As well as contributing to your daily energy expenditure, cleaning can also have beneficial effects on your mental health. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that even moderate physical activity can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood and increase general well-being.

A study published in the “British Journal of Sports Medicine” in 2019 revealed that even light housework can have a positive impact on mental health. Researchers found that people who spent at least 20 minutes a day on housework had significantly lower levels of stress and anxiety than those who didn’t clean.

In addition to this, having a clean and organized environment can also contribute to better mental health. According to a study published in the “Journal of Neuroscience”, clutter can in fact be a source of stress and can affect the ability to concentrate. On the other hand, a clean and tidy living space can promote a sense of control and accomplishment, while reducing stress and anxiety levels.

Finally, tidying up can also provide a sense of immediate satisfaction. Seeing a clean and tidy room after spending time cleaning it can provide a sense of achievement that can improve mood and boost self-confidence.

So cleaning isn’t just good for your physical health, it’s also good for your mental health. So the next time you think of cleaning as a chore, remember that every little movement contributes not only to a cleaner environment, but also to your mental well-being.

In conclusion, cleaning combines many benefits: it burns calories, reduces stress, improves mood and increases your sense of satisfaction. So don’t wait any longer and start taking care of your home and of your mental health too!

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