Number of steps in every kilometer from 1 to 10: How many steps are there in a kilometer?

Author : Xavier

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Steps to Km conversion table

Number of steps in a kilometer: How many steps are there in every km from 1 to 10?

Would you like to know how many steps there are in 1 or in 10 kilometers? The table below gives you the corresponding number of steps for every kilometer covered, according to the weight of each individual, so you can have an accurate idea of your level of activity and achieve your goal more easily.

Km to steps calculator based on weight

Number of kilometers (ordinary walk 5km/h)Person 1.60m tallPerson 1.70mPerson 1.80m tall
In 1 km1453 steps1368 steps1292 steps
In 5 km7267 steps6840 steps6460 steps
Within 10 km14,535 steps13 680 steps12,920 steps
In 15 km21,802 steps20,520 steps19,380 steps
Within 20 km29,070 steps27 360 steps25,840 steps
Within 30 km43,605 steps41 040 steps38,760 steps

Find out how your health and weight can benefit from walking more

If you decide to take 1,000 extra steps a day, the calculator below will give you the real impact on your weight.

on 1,000 steps
Calculator: Impact of increasing daily steps on weight loss.
"Estimated monthly weight loss!" Select your goal. For example: I increase from 8,000 to 10,000 steps = I increase by 2,000 steps.
Metric Units
Imperial Units
You are:

Enter all required values.


Impact on your daily calorie expenditure

Estimated monthly weight loss:
1 per week
per month
2 per week
per month
3 per week
per month
4 per week
per month

Want to lose weight? Continue the analysis!

Enter all required values.

Your Body Mass Index
IMC = 00
Status= 00
Your weight indicators
Current weight =00
Ideal weight (Lorentz formula) =00
Personal goal = 00
Average weight to reach
Average weight to lose
What goal and how to achieve it?

Walk your way to health: Every km counts!

How many kilometers should we walk to become more active and avoid being sedentary?

How many kilometers should we walk to avoid being sedentary?

The 2021 American CARDIA study, carried out on 2,110 participants, considers that 7,000 steps, or around 5 km, is important to have a positive impact on health(see how many steps do you need to take to be in good health?)

Activity level based on number of steps per day and kilometers covered.

Activity level based on number of steps per day

Number of steps per dayActivity status
When you take less than 5000 steps per dayinactive (- 3.65 km)
When taking 5000 to 7499 steps per dayslightly active (3.65 to 5.48 km)
When you take 7500 to 9999 steps a daymoderately active (5.48 to 7.09 km)
When you take 10,000 or more steps a dayactive (7.1 km and more)
When you take around 12,500 steps a dayvery active (around 9.14 km)

Steps to km converter: The detailed chart from 1 to 30 km

The table below converts kilometers into steps according to your size profile. It’s up to you!

Km to steps converter based on height

Activity level based on number of steps per day

Number of kilometers (ordinary walk 5km/h)Person 1.60m tallPerson 1.70m tallPerson 1.80m tall
In 1 km1453 steps1368 steps1292 steps
In 2 km2907 steps2736 steps2584 steps
In 3 km4360 steps4104 steps3876 steps
In 4 km5814 steps5472 steps5168 steps
In 5 km7267 steps6840 steps6460 steps
Within 6 km8721 steps8208 steps7752 steps
In 7 km10,174 steps9,576 steps9,044 steps
In 8 km11,628 steps10,944 steps10,336 steps
In 9 km13,081 steps12,312 steps11,628 steps
In 10 km14,535 steps13 680 steps12,920 steps
In 11 km15,988 steps15,048 steps14,212 steps
In 12 km17,442 steps16 416 steps15,504 steps
In 13 km18,895 steps17,784 steps16,796 steps
In 14 km20,349 steps19,152 steps18,088 steps
In 15 km21,802 steps20,520 steps19,380 steps
In 16 km23,256 steps21,888 steps20,672 steps
In 17 km24,709 steps23,256 steps21,964 steps
In 18 km26,163 steps24,624 steps23,256 steps
In 19 km27,616 steps25,992 steps24,548 steps
In 20 km29,070 steps27 360 steps25,840 steps
Within 30 km43,605 steps41 040 steps38,760 steps

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