The health benefits of boxing: What are the pros and cons of boxing?

Author : Xavier

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What are the health benefits of boxing?

What are the advantages and health benefits of boxing?

Everything you need to know about boxing

What are the health benefits of boxing? Use the tool below to find out all the benefits of boxing and discover whether this sport meets your goals and expectations.

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"In bold, the main benefits"
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Muscle Strengthening
Stress & Self-confidence
Flexibility Gain
Sociability & Team Spirit
Nature & Outdoors
Gentle on the Joints
Reflexes & Agility
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More information on boxing

Is boxing good for your health? Is boxing a good sport for everyone? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced boxer, here’s a list of the benefits and problems you may encounter in boxing.

What are the benefits, drawbacks, harms, and issues of boxing

Top 4 health benefits of boxing!

Boxing is a dynamic sport with many benefits for both fitness and mental health. This combat sport allows you to :

  • Improve cardiovascular fitness, endurance and breathing
  • Develop reflexes, agility and coordination
  • Work the muscles and tone the body
  • Relieve stress and improve self-esteem

What are the drawbacks of boxing?

Beyond its many benefits, boxing remains a combat sport. Punches, blows, you have to expect to hit, to be hit, and to suffer a few bruises and lesions. The contraindications to boxing are those of a classic intense sport. Boxing is not recommended if you suffer from heart or vision problems. In any case, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor’s advice if you have the slightest doubt.

What is boxing? What’s the difference between the different types of boxing and equipment?

Boxing is a combat sport in which two opponents of equal weight face off in a ring and exchange blows. It was born in the 18th century, driven by gamblers. In 1743, Jack Broughton drew up the basic rules which, among other things, made it compulsory to wear protective gloves.
Boxing covers several different styles:

1/ Thai boxing or muay thai

This is a full-body boxing style (kicks, shins, knees, elbows, punches).
Equipment required: Shorts, gloves, dentures, ankle pads, elbow pads, shin guards, mouth guards, hand bandages.

2/ Savate boxe française

French boxing is fist-fighting. A clever blend of fencing and English boxing, the boxer mainly uses his legs, but can also throw punches.
Necessary equipment: gloves, gumshields, protective shells for men, chest protectors for women, shin guards, shoes.

3/ Kickboxing

Kickboxing is another fist-based sport derived from French and English boxing, kyokushinkai karate…Read more
Necessary equipment: Gloves, mouth guard, guard, shin guards, bandages, protective cap

4/ English boxing

English boxing is the most popular of all boxing styles. The aim is to knock out your opponent using only your fists.
Equipment required: Gloves, bandages, protective helmet, mouth guard, boxing shoes

Everything you need to know about boxing

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