The health benefits of kayaking: What are the pros and cons of kayaking?

Author : Xavier

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What are the health benefits of kayaking?

What are the advantages and health benefits of kayaking?

Everything you need to know about kayaking

What are the health benefits of kayaking? Use the tool below to find out all the benefits of kayaking and discover whether this sport meets your goals and expectations.

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Aïkido : The benefits!
"In bold, the main benefits"
Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Muscle Strengthening
Stress & Self-confidence
Flexibility Gain
Sociability & Team Spirit
Nature & Outdoors
Gentle on the Joints
Reflexes & Agility
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Status = 00
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More information on kayaking

Is kayaking good for your health? Is it a good sport for everyone? Whether you’re a beginner or on a professional level, here’s a list of the advantages and problematics you may encounter when kayaking.

What are the benefits, drawbacks, harms, and issues of kayaking

What is kayaking?

Kayaking is a sport or leisure activity that involves moving around in a single-seater, double-seater or quadruple-seater plastic or composite boat.

Often confused with canoeing, this sport is practiced with a double paddle in a seated position on a river, pond or sea. Originally practiced by Arctic peoples for hunting and fishing, it wasn’t until the second half of the 19th century that this physical activity arrived in the West. Today, it’s accessible from an early age, and includes competitive disciplines such as slalom, downhill and freestyle.

Health benefits and advantages

Kayaking is a highly physical activity with many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • Kayaking works the cardiovascular system, respiration and breathing
  • Kayaking develops speed, coordination and balance
  • Kayaking strengthens muscles
  • Kayaking improves joint amplitude
  • Kayaking is a great way to get away from it all and get some fresh air

Disadvantages and drawbacks

Kayaking has more advantages than disadvantages. It’s a sport that requires excellent skills and mastery of the craft. Whether at sea, on a river or a pond, changing currents and untimely movements can cause the boat to overturn. That’s why you also need to know how to swim.

Everything you need to know about kayaking

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